Theoretical weight calculation formula for steel / stainless teel
Angle Stainless steel : Weight per meter=0.00785 * (edge width+edge width - edge thickness) * edge thickness Round steel: weight per meter=0.00617 * diameter * diameter (threaded steel and round steel are the same) Flat steel: weight per meter=0.00785 * thickness * edge width Pipe material: weight per meter=0.0246615 * wall thickness * (outer diameter - wall thickness) Board: Weight per meter=7.85 * Thickness Copper tube: weight per meter=0.02670 * wall thickness * (outer diameter wall thickness) Copper tube: weight per meter=0.02796 * wall thickness * (outer diameter wall thickness) Aluminum patterned plate: weight per square meter=2.96 * thickness Specific gravity of non-ferrous metals: copper plate 8.9, brass plate 8.5, zinc plate 7.2, lead plate 11.37 The calculation formula for non-ferrous metal sheets is: weight per square meter=specific gravity * thickness Theoretical weight calculation of stainless steel: Specific gravity of stainless steel: Chromium stainless steel weighi...