Stainless Steel Smelting, Forging, and Rolling


Common Problems in Stainless Steel Smelting, Forging, and Rolling

Shrinkage Cavities

Shrinkage cavities refer to the gaps formed in the steel mold when molten steel shrinks during cooling.Stainless Steel

Transverse Cracks

Transverse cracks are shallow cracks that occur on the surface of steel ingots, usually removable by fine grinding.

Longitudinal Cracks

Longitudinal cracks are deeper cracks on the surface of steel ingots, particularly in the upper part and corners, often challenging to remove by grinding.


Scarring refers to metal splashes adhering to the surface of steel ingots, resembling skin-like or tumor-like protrusions, mostly found in the lower part of ingots.

Double Skin

Double skin occurs when irregular dark-colored areas with loose texture appear on the edge of low-magnification test pieces, caused by oxide inclusions gathering mainly around them.

Surface Inclusions

Surface inclusions are non-subtractive particles visible to the naked eye embedded in the surface of steel ingots.

Surface Pores

Surface pores are small holes visible to the naked eye on the surface of steel ingots, typically found in the middle and lower parts and removable by finishing.


Bursting happens when the surface of the steel ingot cracks due to extreme cold, often accompanied by a sound.


Rising refers to irregular convexity at the head of the steel ingot, also known as “rising.”


Reticulation refers to mesh-like protrusions appearing on the surface of steel ingots.


Pockmarks are pits on the surface of steel ingots.

Double Pouring

Double pouring leaves obvious reconnection marks around the surface of the steel ingot.


Flash refers to metal flakes perpendicular to the surface of the steel ingot, typically found at the head or tail.

Flying Fins

Flying fins are thin sheets formed on the surface of steel ingots perpendicular to the surface.


Bubbles are defects caused by degassing and deoxidation during steel ingot formation, divided into subcutaneous and internal bubbles.

White Spots

White spots are fine cracks, visible as irregular jagged cracks or silver bright spots on low-magnification samples, often caused by hydrogen.

Teda Ganghua Metal -17 years

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